Taman Tasik Taiping, Perak

Hi chuolls, Assalamualaikum!

This trip too happen last semester which I was in Semester 4 (semester 4 was a lot of fun tho). This trip consists of me, Fatin and Michan. We had fun and if some of you never heard about this place, better look it up or at least come visit here once in your life because the scenery is veeeeeeeeeeeeeery beautiful it leaves you breathless.

Macamana aku boleh tahu tempat ni started from Aina and Sofwa. Dorang berdua originally a Perakian soo they know more about places in Perak. Tempat ni is a nature-based place and sangat sesuailah kalau korang nak ajak pakwe ke makwe ke pergi date sini takpun buat sesi photoshoot ke. I recommend this place :)

So as we arrived there, *masuk adalah percuma korang jangan risau* Kitorang pergi this one place, ada playground and there are a lot of people there, ada jual makan makan jugak. We played air bubble balloon and it was hella fun! Bayar RM5 untuk one baldi sabun and you can play as long as you want to. Seronoklah benda alah ni bagi aku yang jiwa cam mudah terhibur ni kahkah. Try bila korang main benda ni, you run in different direction. It was fun and you feel like a child again which is a good thing to feel. Trust me. Try.

And then we continue walking (penat gila dahlah panas) tempat ni sangat kehijauan dan sesiapa yang nature-lover tu korang suka punya tempat ni. Besar sangat takmampu nak jalan semua tempat heee. Sini jugaklah tempat aku paling banyak amek selfie sebab aduh dia punya cantik tu macam fefeling luar negara gaaisss!

Kan dah cakap banyak selfie siapa suruh tempat tu cantik sangat haha. 

( Panas panas dapat ice-cream pulak memang function )

Adios readers! 

RATE: 10/10


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