Kellie Castle, Perak

Hi chuolls. Assalamualaikum!

Anyone else have ever been to Kellie's Castle? It was fun! This trip happened last semester ( semester 4 ) I went here with Fatin Amira, just the two of us. Once you enter this classic castle, kau akan fefeling princess sikit..........or is it just me? Tapi serious, aku punya excited nak naik tangga, dapat pulak time tu pakai kain macam princess en, hahaha k perasan. 

There is nothing much you can actually do selain daripada tahu serba sikit pasal sejarah, the history of this castle and setiap bilik yang korang masuk, akan ada description tersendiri, and up to certain room, aku ada lah rasa takut sikit. Well, you know why. Tempat lama tinggal, besar gila pulak tu. You know what I mean. 

And bila kau explore Kellie Castle ni, make sure, JUST MAKE SURE kau pergi semua tempat (except bilik arak kalau korang taknak masuk) sebab dia ada banyak macam bilik bilik bawah tanah, yang mana korang akan lalu ikut swirlling stairs yang kecik molek which is very fun. Explore every room. Be curious!

( salah satu contohnya )

( Kawasan luar Kellie Castle )

( The view from rooftop )

And masa kitorang berjalan pusing dok tawaf satu istana tu, ada a group of people from India. Not Malaysian-Indian but real-indian, dorang tengah buat satu reality show for their country and depa tanya kitorang tempat ni berhantu keeeee lol yeah like i know. Aku baru je sekali datang. But then those Indian boys were so nice, dorang offer amikkan gambar kitorang berdua, well thats good sebab kitorang pergi berdua dan takbawak camera-stand. Dan aku harap dorang tak masukkan kitorang dalam reality show hahaha because camera dorang asyik terpasang je. 

RATE: 6/10


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