Raya 2015

Hi chuolls, Assalamualaikum!

Hi readers! Hari raya memang dah lama berlalu dah pun buuuuut, i still wanna share this story/ this cool trip that happened last semester (semester 4).

So far, this is the second coolest Eid I ever spent with. The first one was when I was 16, with my friends. Masa tu ada 3 buah kereta kitorang beraya beria sampai maghrib baru balik. That was the best raya ever. And now this was the second best. 

To be honest, this trip memang tak expect pun ramai yang join. As far as I can remember, there was 5 cars joining us. Memang best sangatlah. First, we headed to FarahLee house in Tanjung Malim, Perak.

Terima kasih sangat pada mak FarahLee sebab sedap gila masak ya Alloh taktahu nak describe macamana. Paling suka kek pisang dia entah berapa kali entah aku tambah ahaha. And then kitorang headed to rumah Liyana in Sekinchan. 

The best part beraya dengan dorang ni is dorang sambil beraya sambil berjalan which I like it soo much, suits lah jiwa traveller aku ni hah huhuhu. 

( Tanjung Malim, Perak )

Next destination is Sekinchan, Selangor. Along the road nak pergi sini, jalan dia agak mencabar taaaaapi, we had fun in the car nyanyi lagu Love Story bagai karaoke semuaa hahaha.

And then gambar di atas adalah tempat menara tinggi where kitorang boleh tengok the whole place! And kat sini boleh bagi makan ikan seronoklah jugak en.

Jauh sikit daripada kawasan menara ni ada pantai yang cantik jugaklah view dia kat situ. And so all of us headed there. 

( the view of the place )

Lepastu malam kitorang headed to Sabak Bernam untuk beraya kat rumah si Malik pulak. Lepastu malam semua orang lepak hahaha letih sangat but it was fun. I had fun. Plus, sem lepas kitorang ada few people yang kira orang baru masuk dalam kelas. Before this kitorang stick together since semester 1. Sem lepas jugaklah depa laksana kohok baru where kena pecah aliran biology and physics. Jadi ramailah jugak yang terpisah especially those yang taking Physics. So, it feels good dapat gather ramai macamni 

Adios readers!


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