Fairytale State, Kampar, Perak.

Hi chuolls, Assalamualaikum!

Looking at the title: Fairytale State. Lol you guys jangan percaya. The place is not originally named that way. I made it up because taktahu nak letak nama apa. It was last semester (semester 4) and I forgot what the name of this place. Masa aku pergi dulu dia still under construction so tak ada specific name. Maybe now dah fully established I have no idea. But what I'm sure of: This place is in Kampar, Perak.

Mana dapat idea pergi sini? Well, it all started with Fatin's idea. She got it from her brother. I dont know this place exist for real. First time masuk sini and my first impression was: HOW DO THEY HAVE AN IDEA TO DO THIS THING. IT LOOKS LIKE DISNEYWORLD. (aku nak sangat pergi the real disney world tho sobs) 

Tempat ni much like ummm buildings which are so colorful. Sangat cantik warna warna dia and korang boleh masuk into certain room. But not all. Kalau masa korang pergi nanti this place dah pun fully established, well good for you. Sebab masa aku pergi ni, still ada nampak bulldozers, simen, pasir and all those stuff yang dorang buat construction. The wall sangat warna warni and kalau rasa nak amik gambar gaya hipstuuuur tu, silakan. You are welcome here.

And also korang masuklah certain room kat sini and kalau boleh masuklah semua. Ada satu room ni, memang cantik. Time kitorang masuk memang pun ada ramai orang dan ramai *couples* ugh. Cantik untuk amik gambar. 

Here is the room:

( The living room )

( The prototype toilet )

( Corridor of the room )

( different side of corridor )

( bedroom )

( yang ni saje je. Fatin's bitchy face hahaha i love you fatin )

( Summary of the room )

( just another wall )

Senang cerita, tempat ni kira macam ikea lah senang cakap. Dia bagi satu contoh rumah pada korang but just a prototype. By prototype i mean, sekali dengan makanan display dia semua not real. But a nice place to visit and cuci mata korang. Juga pada sesiapa yang mencari ilham macamana nak design rumah korang one fine day, bolehlah sambil cuci mata tu sambil bergambar tu silalah mencari ilham. I like the bathroom best *thumbs up*

My next post is going to be Tasik yang sangat indah yang kitorang pergi on the same day. Nak buat sekali post takut panjang berjela sangat plus that is in different places.

Adios readers!

RATE: 6/10


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