Rumah sewa atau Kolej?

Hi chuolls, Assalamualaikum!

Haaaa baru sekarang ada kesempatan nak update. Im so busy being makcik makcik kemas dapur 24 hours, jaga hadek hadek omg i should rest during this semester break but nevermind, being close to my family is the best thing I ever ask for. 

So yeah, dah lama sangat pendam perasaan nak update pasal benda ni. I honestly thinking malas dah nak update perihal ni but this was one memory I could not forget as a student. So lets go ahead!
Last semester (semester 4) was the most challenging semester I must say but alhamdulilah, I thank Allah for everything he has put me and guided me through the way. " So which Allah greatness would you deny? " Takde tipunya, memang benar belaka Allah tu bagi ujian pada hamba-NYA setakat yang dia mampu pikul dan takkan tinggalkan kita sorang sorang bila hadapi ujian tu semua. Allah is with us bear that in mind.

Semester 4... I love semester 4 life because at some point in life, you know who your REAL friends are when things get hard. Plus, you get to know their TRUE colors because you live with them, you eat with them, even sleep with them, you share everything literally and as a whole.  Last semester also paling banyak aku menangis until I suffered from Migrain (never have that before). 

Perks of living in a house together with your friends? 
1) You dont have time curfew. Boleh enjoy dengan kawan 24hrs, you can go whenever you want/you wish to. And the best part was you can get home anytime you want. 

2) You get to learn how to cook! And surely unlock new recipes everytime you guys gather and cook together. 

3) You learn to be helpful towards your friends. Especially with household chores.

4) You got plenty of spots you can study at (Dan aku pilih downstairs atas meja makan haha)

5) Not limited by environments. And by this I mean, you can go anywhere near your house, take some fresh air sometimes. (Aku selalu jalan kaki pergi 7e or TF)

I dont know why but im starting to cry when I type this whole things. This literally breaks my heart knowing that all of us are going to end this last semester. Lepasni masing masing balik hometown and headed towards something they want to achieve in life, maybe go for work, pursuing degree, etc.

" Farrah ni susah betul nak move on " - Aina, 2015. Yes I am. Because once I love something, I gave them my all, you guys always have this soft spot in my heart which I will never forget no matter how much time goes by. 

( Hi Kikok. I Miss You already )

Haaa dah kenapa pulak gambar kucing tetibe? No, this cat named Kikok dan dia berbau sangatlah masam ya Allah taktahu nak cakap camne kekadang dia duduk jauh pun dah berbau masam dia tu. I love love love love cats. And I love this one too. Ingat lagi masa aku emotionally breakdown, I just help myself but be sad, so aku keluar and i just broke down and cry and cry and cry. My whole world just come crashing down on me and I cant do anything about that. 

And that time kikok datang and he just sat there looking at me. Bolehlah kata selama aku menangis tu, dia datang teman tapi duduk bawah kereta cis pengecut betui tak sweet tak reti pujuk betui kikok ni. But hey Im glad that helps. I miss you so much.

Speaking of staying in Kolej, aku bersyukur jugak sebenarnya. I can save my money and boleh save banyaaaaaaaak gilaaaa. Takpayah fikir lagi pasal sewa rumah and thats good. But the real thing is, my move is limited. Tapi tu semua takjadi penghalang no hal lah. As long as I have that 3 best friends with me, tak kesahlah campak kat mana pun, those 3 are really important :)

And I need to realize, sampai bila nak hold on to those memories kan? Even kalau sem ni aku still duduk rumah sewa, sem ni sem last, aku terpaksa jugak keluar dari rumah tu one day. Allah has better plans Im sure. Alhamdulilah for what had happened. 

Adios readers!


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